Discrimination of Heat Treatment Method in Commercial Pure Milk Products with PRS-LS Measurement PRS-LS法鉴别市售纯牛乳制品的热处理方式
The Portfolio Re-arrangement and the Credit Loss in Commercial Banks: A Measurement Analysis on their Relation 商业银行资产组合信用损失相关的度量研究
Some imported commercial systems for measurement GGT should be better calibrated with the reference method, especially in the whole measurement linearity. 厂家应进一步保证其检测系统经参考方法校正,并应注重对检测系统测定线性的校正。
For the public interest and the better development of international civil and commercial relationship, our measurement of settling the tort conflicts should pays more attention to the interests of the parties concerned and to the certainty and predictability of applying the laws concerned. 我国的侵权冲突法应在维护我国社会公共利益的前提下,从有利于国际民商事关系发展的角度,更加关注当事人的个人利益,同时提高法律适用的确定性与可预见性。
Because our country is in the formation period of market economy, the western commercial bank's risk measurement technique is still subjected to our actual conditions. 我国正处于市场经济的形成阶段,西方商业银行风险度量技术在我国的实际运用还受到制约。
Discusses our commercial banks 'realistic choice in the risk measurement models. 探讨我国商业银行利率风险度量模型的选择的阶段性和现实选择。
This paper comprehensively analyzes the commercial bank interest rate risk measurement techniques used commonly. 本文针对商业银行利率风险管理的关键一环利率风险计量做出较为系统的研究。
The Development of the Commercial Bank's Risk Measurement and Its Implications to China 商业银行风险度量方法的发展及其对我国的启示
These models provide evidence to the commercial banks for their risk measurement and risk capital preparation by analyzing the risks of them. 该模型运用先进的数量技术,定量地分析了商业银行的风险程度,为商业银行度量风险并相应地配置风险资本金给出了明确的依据。
The paper describes the development and advantages of commercial measurement system which can accomplish deformation measurement after the installation of products, and forecasts the broad prospects of the application of commercial measurement system in China. 本文介绍了工业测量系统的发展及其优点&能完成传统的测量工具和方法无法完成的产品安装后的形变测量,预示了我国工业测量行业应用工业测量系统的广阔前景。
Application of the On-line Automatic Sampler in the Commercial Oil Transaction Measurement 商品油交接计量中原油管线在线自动取样器的应用
This paper uses the "direct perception minus expectation" service quality measurement method, successfully develops a commercial banks 'service quality measurement multi-dimensional scale based on college students sample. 本文应用直接测量感知期望差的服务质量测量方法,生成了基于大学生顾客样本的商业银行服务质量测量多维量表。
The commercial picosecond measurement instrument and autocorrelation second harmonic generation ( SHG) measurement method have been uniformly calibrated in this paper, which is based on the summary of the present ultrashort laser pulse measurement method. 在研究总结现有超短激光脉冲测量方法的基础上,对皮秒激光脉冲的测量及飞秒激光脉冲自相关二次谐波(SHG)的测量方法进行了统一的校正。
The risk a customer might default is the primary driver for loss for a commercial bank. Risk measurement is one of the difficult challenges facing modern commercial banks, and ability of risk measurement is a indicator to level of risk management for commercial banks. 违约风险是导致商业银行潜在损失的主要因素,违约风险计量是目前商业银行风险管理的难点之一,商业银行风险计量的能力是衡量其风险管理水平的重要指标。
Study of acid-base character on the commercial carbon fiber surface by contact angle measurement 接触角测定法研究碳纤维表面酸碱性
Then it constructed the commercial bank's operational risk measurement model making use of the IE continuous improvement and Wolfe method. It showed that this model is able to measure the operational risk through the demonstration. 结合IE连续改善的思想建立适合度量我国商业银行操作风险的定量模型,通过实证表明该模型是适合度量国内商业银行操作风险。
Dynamic Tri-Coordinates Commercial Measurement System 动态三坐标工业测量系统
On the basis of comparison from international commercial banks interest rate risk measurement maturity model, the use of interest rate sensitivity gap model, the interest rate market to the Agricultural Bank of China to bring the interest rate risk associated with impact indicators empirical analysis. 随后,在比较借鉴国际商业银行成熟的利率风险度量模型的基础上,运用利率敏感性缺口模型,对利率市场化给中国农业银行带来的利率风险相关影响指标进行了实证分析。
Presenting the construct of traditional cultural attributes in commercial streets and the measurement scale promoted the quantitative study of this abstract construct, provided for future related research measurement tools and found out consumers 'perception clues to traditional cultural attributes in traditional commercial streets. 提出了商业街传统文化属性的构念及测量量表,推动了此抽象构念的量化研究,为未来相关研究提供了测量工具,挖掘出传统商业街中消费者对传统文化属性感知的线索。
The existing commercial instruments for thermal property measurement can not be used to measure thermal property of thin films of thickness under 1 micron for the time being. 然而,现有的商用热物性测试仪器还难以测试厚度小于1μm的薄膜。
According to the requirements of the New Capital Accord, the original customer evaluation approaches can not meet the modern commercial banks credit risk measurement. 按照新资本协议的要求来看,原有的客户评价办法已不能满足现代商业银行进行信用风险计量与资本配置的要求,不能满足银行日益精细化风险管理和稳健经营的发展需要。
At the same time, through the study of foreign commercial banks in the different stages of economic fluctuations, as well as the main existing commercial risk measurement approach, this paper analyze the relationship between macroeconomic fluctuations and credit risk of commercial banks. 与此同时,通过对国外处于经济不同波动时期信用风险的变化以及当今主要商业信用风险度量模型的研究,来阐述两者之间的关系。
Performance evaluation of commercial banks is scientific method for measurement and evaluation of the effectiveness of the operation and management activities of commercial banks. 摘要商业银行绩效评价是对商业银行的经营管理活动的效能进行科学的测量与评估。
Commercial bank interest rate risk identification, measurement, control and management is a very complex Complex systems engineering. It involves a very wide range, including a lot of things. 商业银行利率风险识别、计量、控制是一项十分复杂的系统工程,它涉及的范围很广,包含的内容也极多。
Finally, the article advances the study conclusion of the operational commercial risk and proposes some suggestions about the measurement of operational risk in China. 最后文章得出我国商业银行操作风险的研究结论并对我国商业银行的操作风险度量提出了几点对策性建议。
It points out that in the SCP analysis framework scholars are based on profitability of the commercial banks to conduct the performance measurement. 在我国商业银行绩效现状分析部分,文章从盈利性、流动性和安全性三个方面进行分析,并指出在SCP分析框架中,学者们是基于盈利性对商业银行进行绩效测定。
The correctly understanding and choosing the interest rate risk measurement method are both the important prerequisite for the scientific management of interest rate risk, so it is necessary to understand the evolution of the commercial banks 'interest rate risk measurement tools. 第二部分主要阐述商业银行利率风险度量方法的演进历程,正确认识和选择利率风险的度量方法是实现利率风险科学管理的重要前提,因此对商业银行利率风险度量工具的演变过程了解十分必要。
With the continous effort by our group on this project and collaboration with other colleagues, we optimistically believe that the commercial Ultrasonic Concrete Casting Level Measurement Instrument for Bored Pile will appear in market to make benefit for pile foundation construction. 我们相信,在各界同仁的共同努力和支持下,随着项目组的持续攻关,商用钻孔桩砼灌面超声波高程仪必将很快走向市场,应用于桩基工程施工。
As the core content of IRB for commercial banks, the credit risk measurement is the very important basic work in credit risk management. 信用风险的计量作为推行商业银行内部评级中的核心内容,是信贷风险管理中十分重要的基础工作。
Economic Value Added ( EVA), as a new measurement of enterprise performance in the value management, overcoming the shortcomings of traditional measurements, has been widely used in the value management of large western companies and commercial banks and become the core measurement of performance evaluation. 经济增加值作为价值管理中一种全新的企业业绩衡量指标,克服了传统指标的缺陷,在西方大型公司和商业银行价值管理中得到广泛的应用,成为企业业绩评价的核心指标。